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Spring 2021 Student Dens

The Student Den program will enhance and expand the learning community and networks you have already started in your prior semesters at UC Merced. Your Student Den will provide the opportunity to hone your professional networking skills by connecting with students and staff associated with their academic program and be connected to campus resources that support their success and expand their academic experience.

In Spring 2021, students who entered UC Merced in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 will be added to their School 'Mega Den' based on their acdemic major. Students who entered UC Merced prior to Fall 2020 will remain in their current dens, but may choose to join their 'Mega Den'.

Students who wish to switch Dens based on a change in their academic program may do so by leaving their current Den team (learn how here) and by selecting the 'join' link for their new Den below. 



Relying on the mutual support of your colleagues, Dens will provide an environment for developing leadership, self-efficacy, and success as a virtual learner. You'll also have the opportunity to create or join other virtual Dens that connect you with others that have shared interests and passions.


Resources are student services and other campus support resources already available to UC Merced students – more information can be found at Throughout the semester, Den-specific workshops will allow students to access support services specific to their academic program and interests.

Check out these explainer videos that provide details on the Student Den Experience, on How to Navigate Your Den, and on How to Access Your Den.

Here are a few quick FAQs about dens for continuing UCM students:

Is den participation mandatory?
No. All students have been assigned to a den, but it is not mandatory for you to participate. However, you are strongly encouraged to use your den to connect with peers, ask your questions, and learn about university opportunities. 

What should I do in my den?
Introduce yourself to other students. Ask them any questions you have about navigating your courses or campus support resources. Set up study groups. Arrange virtual meet-ups. Provide support and an understanding ear for your peers.

How was my den assigned?
Your den includes a mix of students from sophomore through senior year. Most dens include clusters of 1-3 common majors. 

Are there faculty or staff in my den?
No. Your den is just comprised of 10-14 undergraduate students. This is your space, so feel free to customize and use as you like. If you need support or want to report a problem in your den, use the report form at the top of the “General” channel.

For more information about Dens, visit the Student Information page on the Campus Ready site.

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Learn more about campus safety precautions and associated information about UC Merced at Campus Ready.