Explore UC Merced Opportunities!
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Faculty-mentored research is an integral component of undergraduate education and provides numerous benefits to students, regardless of their future career choices. Students develop skills in critical analysis, problem-solving, communication, and in understanding and applying research methods.
Community Engagement
There are many ways to get involved in service in the community. Your Club or Organization may participate in service, you may be a part of a class with a service component, or you can always contact the Community Engagement Center. The Community Engagement Center (CEC) offers short- and long-term volunteer opportunities that enhance leadership skills, promote good stewardship, and drive positive systemic change within UC Merced and the greater Merced community.
Internship opportunities can be found through the Student Career Center, whose focus is to empower students and alumni to reach their full career potential. Participating in internships outside of the classroom is essential for students to gain the real-world experience and learn the skills and mindset that will help them succeed in their future careers. Ask yu faculty - they may know about internships in your field!
Study Abroad
A study abroad experience extends the geographical boundaries of UC Merced through unique educational experiences – within and beyond the traditional classroom – to challenge and support students in their academic and career goals. Study abroad helps you gain skills to be an engaged global citizen. Study abroad opens up new worlds of possibilities!
Leadership experience is gained in many ways accross Campus and beyond its borders. Are you an officer in a club - that's leadership! Are you a student employee? That's leadership! There are many ways to develop leadership skills, for more ideas check in at the Margo F. Souza Leadership Center to discover programs and opportunities they host to develop students’ leadership skills, knowledge, and self-efficacy while also empowering students to thrive as life-long learners and leaders of the 21st century.